YEAH! We did it! WE DID IT! So many folks came out to help us end our first season in so much style. Wes Craven‘s The Serpent and the Rainbow had a fantastic showing at The Royal Cinema in Toronto. After the movie Casey Lyons, Alia Miller, Greg LeGros, David Followes, Wordburglar and Engineer Cody Dan Gorman were all great friends to help me leave you guys with a big fat fun finale. Enjoy, and we will be back next spring with season TWO and more tries at scaring me to DEATH!
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[audio]Direct Download: LSMP2D_LIVE_MAIN.mp3
Fearless Flyer
November 4, 2015
Great show! Had the quality scrotum commentary I’ve come to expect! Also was this movie a mass hallucinated fever dream?
Dan Gorman
November 4, 2015
Dan Gorman
November 4, 2015
And… maybe!
Allan McPherson
November 1, 2015
If this gets remade they totally need to cast the chair from Casino Royale
Dan Gorman
November 2, 2015
Matt Brown
November 1, 2015
Hey guys when’s this show happening? I’m ready!
Dan Gorman
November 2, 2015
Shh, nobody tell him!