Uhhh, Luke’s not here, man.
Active social media enthusiast Mark Hamill has taken to Twitter to assure Star Wars fans everywhere that he will not go out like (spoiler) Han did. At least not yet. Hamill posted a video in which he is having his Luke beard shorn from his face with a caption that indicates he is saying goodbye to the beard ‘at least til #episodeIX’. For those who need the visual, here is the video:
Haven't seen my chin since May '15, so #FarewellFacialFur & #ByeByeBeard (at least til #EpisodeIX) @popculturequest pic.twitter.com/gaScz1okk6
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) August 30, 2016
All reports indicate that, in Episode VIII, Luke will begin training Rey (Daisey Ridley) in the ways of the force, though, of course, little is known about his fate. And with the new generation of Star Wars films not afraid to dispatch with our long-standing heroes we have every right to be nervous about who’s next on the chopping block. But for now we can feel safe in the knowledge that the universe’s only Jedi is safe for at least two more pictures.
Star Wars Episode IX will be directed by Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World) and is slated to hit the big screen May 23rd, 2019.
Star Wars Episode VIII is directed by Rian Johnson (Looper, Brick, an awesome episode of Breaking Bad) and will be released to the screen December 15, 2017.
Casey Lyons
September 1, 2016
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