Episode 10 of See You Next Wednesday has finally arrived! I know you’ve been marking your calendars and… checking them twice?

Anyway, GregDan and Casey — as usual — have a whole new round of Film Roulette for you. This time we saw The Five-Year Engagement and The Raven. Then, we roll for next week’s films — and it proves to be a tense one, seeing as the winners get to see the highly anticipated Marvel superhero flick The Avengers, and the loser has to endure the Miley Cyrus remake of a 2008 french film called LOL… seriously.

We’ve also got a quick review of a documentary called The Imposter that Dan got to check out at Hot Docs, and we review the new Ty Segall and White Fence album Hair. We also have our first official — and randomly generated — game of Hero Swap!

For more updates, check us out on twitter at @SYNWPC and leave us those iTunes reviews!

Direct Download: SYNW_10_MAIN.mp3