Cheez-it! Episode 9 of See You Next Wednesday finds your hosts GregDan and Casey opening the show with two major show reviews from last weekend (Elvis Costello & David Clayton-Thomas) and a look forward to some upcoming local concerts.

Then we dive head-first into Film Roulette with our look at The Hunter and Streetdance 2: 3D, before touching on last week’s punishment album by Was (Not Was). Plus another shocking die roll, this time for The Five-Year Engagement and The Raven.

We finish up with two album reviews — the sludge-pop-stoner-metal of Torche‘s Harmonicraft and Death Grips major label debutThe Money Store.

For more updates, check us out on twitter at @SYNWPC and leave us those iTunes reviews!

Direct Download: SYNW_09_MAIN.mp3