See You Next Wednesday

Episode 163 – Avengers: Age of Ultron & Avengers: Grimm


On the latest episode of See You Next Wednesday, Dan and Greg experience the long awaited Avengers: Age of Ultron from Joss Whedon – does it hold up to the immense expectations, or are some of the middling reviews on to something here? They assemble and dive into the film, all while Casey faces the grim reality of the Asylum direct-to-DVD knock-off that is Avengers: Grimm. How is this cheap-o assembly of grimm fairy tales in comparison to one of the biggest blockbusters of the year? Sure, maybe it’s not a fair fight, but we paired them up anyway!

Then, at the hands of Casey and his punishment album from last week, Dan and Greg get attacked by a PitbullGlobalization. Just who is Pitbull? Is he an actual pitbull, or a mediocre pop-rapper who likes to day drink? We find out this week!

All of this, plus the Itty Bitty Tid Bit Committee (our news and recently viewed segment) covers plenty of Star Wars news, reviews of Hiding Out, Frank, revisiting Kimmy Schmidt, a discussion of the Suicide Squad image, and much more!

Unfortunately, no 9021Oh Yeah Relay! this week – but it will return next episode, so get caught up with season three in the mean time!

Don’t forget about our sponsor, Tweaked Audio! Check them out for all your headphone needs and enter promo code SYNWPC for 33% off plus free shipping! Do it today!

You can find us on TwitterFacebook, LibSyn and iTunes.

Direct Download: SYNW_163_MAIN.mp3

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The Starlog Files: Excerpts from Issue #54


  • TheTruth

    You asked for girls to send in pics of there tits!!!

    Get ready for an over the top hyperbolic rant from Matt Price

    Reply to TheTruth

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