It’s that time of the week again: it’s a new episode of See You Next Wednesday! This week, Casey and Dan got out to see Christopher Nolan‘s hotly anticipated big-screen event that goes by the name Interstellar – will this blast-off be a success, or is it something else entirely? Greg didn’t make it to launch though, as he was sitting at home watching Stuart Gordon‘s square-pig-filled opus Space Truckers starring Dennis Hopper. Is it better than Easy Rider? Listen in to find out!
Plus, we are talking about more American Horror Story, shout out the must-see cinema vérité documentaries Demon Lover Diary and Seventeen, revisit Hotel Transylvania, and get geeky with some DC Comics movie news!
All of this, plus we check back in with 90291Oh Yeah Relay!
You don’t want to be the only one missing out on this one!
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David Followes
November 13, 2014
DrinkAlong’s next re-released ‘Classic’ episode will be Episode #5 as Space Truckers was our Rare Vintage on that episode, cuz hey, if we can’t piggy back an episode onto our fellow Modern Superior podcast’s backs… who’s backs can we piggy back on?
November 13, 2014
yckmd_ JeremyJSchultz SYNWPC Let’s just call this a happy accident and enjoy what will be the best Video Vengeance EVER!!
David Followes
November 13, 2014
Greg’s love of Space Truckers proves once again that Dan is a terrible human being. Hi Casey!
November 12, 2014
SYNWPC also, you guys never heard that “this is an A and B conversation” saying?!?! I hope you really do add that to your arsenal yckmd_.
November 12, 2014
SYNWPC I stopped after season 1, but all this American Horror Story talk is making me wanna watch again.
November 12, 2014
JeremyJSchultz SYNWPC Hey, you gotta keep the punishment flicks interesting somehow!
November 12, 2014
SYNWPC Space Truckers as punishment? What’s next? John Ford’s 1934 delightfully whimsical Judge Priest starring Will Rogers???
Brian VonSoffel
November 12, 2014
I’ve been waiting for this. I feel the same way about this movie that I did about “Inception”, I have read far too much science fiction in my life for this to blow my mind like I feel it was intended.