Once Marvel got their skin in the mega-franchise game, everyone wanted to play! Including those poor suckers at DC, whose first foray into making a larger (well, larger than Batman anyway) world was a movie about a green space cop who makes stuff happen with his brain. Ah well. Alia has questions about this whole boondoggle, like: what’s with all the human privilege? Is Ryan Reynolds the worst? And will she ever forgive Matt for making her watch this movie?
Matt has answers, such as: yes she will! It’s time for a ring-fingered tour of 2011’s superhero franchise bomb, GREEN LANTERN.
Direct Download: Super_Zero-GL.mp3
Everybody’s Talkin’ 4 – 3 (Chatter from Other Bloggers) | The Matinee | Cinematic Passion & Perspective
April 4, 2015
[…] still have a few in this series to go), but I took a lot away from the episode prior dedicated to Green Lantern. It’s easy to wail on a bad movie for being bad, but that’s not what this Dynamic Duo […]
Mike Meteor
March 27, 2015
I think the reason they are called Suicide Squad is because every member has been implanted with explosives in their head and Amanda Waller can detonate the bombs for strategic or personal gains. So every action the members of the task force make will eventually lead to their death. Hence they appropriately call themselves Suicide Squad.
March 26, 2015
Listening to the episode me think that GL is its own commemorative Lego play set. It’s just a bunch of stuff in a box with no context for any of it.
March 26, 2015
AllanMcPherson You’re not wrong.
March 26, 2015
The irony of a movie that features a character who’s whole gravitas comes from the idea of “will and Imagenation” while itself displaying nether is kinda sick making.