THE MIGHTY THOR! Super Zero finally lands on Matt’s favourite superhero and Alia has questions, such as: Thor, really? What’s the Super Freezy Box? And can ladies be Thor too?
Matt has answers – possibly too many answers – on subjects ranging from why Thor is so magic and wonderful, to why Dutch-angle kiss scenes are great, and how Marvel might owe the entire MCU to Kenneth Branagh. It’s a Super Zero double-feature with 2011’s THOR and 2014’s THOR: THE DARK WORLD!
Direct Download: Super_Zero-THOR.mp3
March 12, 2015
SuperZeroCast Not sure what I’m expecting from it, but I am seeing it this weekend so I’ve got high hopes at least.
March 12, 2015
Bubbawheat We’re expecting good things from Cinderella!
March 12, 2015
SuperZeroCast and Marvel went on to GOTG while Brannagh went on to Cinderella.