Dolph Lundgren – hot off the “success” of Kindergarten Cop II – stars as a Criss Angel-lookin’ demon hunter in this debut trailer for Mike Mendez’s Don’t Kill It. 

The plot, seemingly cobbled together from scraps left-over by The Hidden, Fallen and Split Second, follows a rash of brutal murders in an Alaskan town as some kind of ancient demon jumps from host-to-host into the body of those who kill it; hence the title, Don’t Kill It. 

Director Mendez – of Big Ass Spider! and The Last Heist previously – seems to forever be attached to these kind of genre films which at first glance look pretty bad, but are ultimately received as a good time; when Big Ass Spider! was announced, I rolled my eyes, but by all accounts the film worked wonders on the crowd at The After Dark Film Festival and I’ve heard a number of people say it’s a blast.

This trailer for Don’t Kill It looks pretty lame; the production values scream made-for-Sci-Fi-network and the jokes are groaners. That said, the trailer does seem to promise that the film will whip itself up into a violent froth, with chainsaw-insanity and demons-a-flyin’, so let’s see if ol’ Dolph has another solid and fun genre effort in him when this movie lands at Fantastic Fest this year.

Dan Gorman