Time Bandits

Episode 49 – Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade & Fine Young Cannibals’ The Raw and the Cooked


This week we break out our whips and unironic fedoras as we watch the classic Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Then we dig into Fine Young Cannibals’ unexpected hit record The Raw and the Cooked.

Our guest this week is musician Graeme Hall Lang.

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Direct Download: TimeBandits_49_MAIN.mp3

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  • tederick

    modernsuperior tederick I have listened to this suckah and found it pretty good. But a) I don’t hate on Willie like most people do and b) whatserface made me feel REALLY guilty about my opinion in general because yeah, it’s a pretty freaking racist movie.

    Reply to tederick
  • modernsuperior

    tederick Thanks Matt! I still think that the battle of Crusade vs. Temple is a tough one – both have similar sized downfalls, as well as similar sized positives. 

    If you haven’t listened to the episode of The Canon about the film (Temple), you absolutely must! http://thecanon.wolfpop.com/audio/20216/indiana-jones-and-the-temple-of-doom

    Reply to modernsuperior
  • tederick

    Man, I have been meaning for DAYS to come on here and get all upset about the Last Crusade show. But although listening to it was excruciating and made me cry like Casey watching a robot movie, it has since faded into a happy memory about how great you all are, even your special guest who was not (in point of fact) me.

    Suffice to say, Raiders best, Temple second best, Crusade third best but really the only problem there is its slavish devotion to being exactly like Raiders beat for beat – which, you know what? There are worst things in life. I’m glad that Indiana Jones on his worst day is still better than pretty much every franchise’s track record since then. 

    I wonder if they’re ever going to make a fourth Indiana Jones movie? I heard a rumour back in the ’90s that there was a script they were working on called Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men From Mars but they never really got going on that  because THAT IS SO FUCKING STUPID.

    Reply to tederick

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