It’s time for another extra-long episode of See You Next Wednesday!
This week, we’re back on the Marvel wagon with the latest Fox-produced superhero film with Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four – is the controversy around this production warranted? Is it as bad as everyone says? Does Dr. Doom’s face look weird? We’ll answer these questions and more! Then, Casey sits out our trip to the movies by watching the 1994 Roger Corman financed The Fantastic Four – which was rumoured to have been produced just to keep the properties’ rights. How does it stack up to the latest attempt? Casey has the answer to that one!
But first, we start the show off with talk about movies we’ve been watching – including Welcome To Me, Quiet Cool, Edge of Tomorrow and more – plus we check in with Difficult People and some other assorted shows. Then we get into a gaggle of superhero topics that have made the news this week, as well as discuss why Gene Wilder‘s work and his potential return from retirement for an upcoming Steven Spielberg project.
Finally, Greg has us covered in another shocking round of 9021oh Yeah Relay! where we continue our journey through Beverly Hills, 90210 Season 3!
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Tony D’Amico
August 17, 2015
I still have to watch The Gift, but you did mention something regarding Joel Edgerton, I think it was about 3 months or so ago that I mentioned to you guys that you should watch “The Rover”, which Edgerton co-wrote. I thought it was pretty fucking amazing, and I really think you guys would love it. It stars Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson and they are both awesome in it. I’ve seen “The Square” too, and I liked it quite a bit. It’s on Amazon Prime, but I don’t think that’s available in Canada
Matt Brown
August 15, 2015
This week on Casey Hates Everything: Casey hates Gene Wilder!! Gotta admit, I did not see that coming.
Hi guys, Matt Brown here, long time listener, first time writer. I’ve been picking away at this episode since Wednesday and, hopefully sometime today, I might actually get to the Fantastic Four content which is what I was really looking forward to. All of which is to say, it might be time to at least consider shrinkening the Tidbits. I love me a big, long Tidbit as much as the next guy (and really, we cannot put a price on Casey trying to explain in detail why he thinks Gene Wilder sucks), and I must also admit that my walk to work has shortened by 15 minutes this summer, but the fact that I’m on day three of this listen and still in the Tidbit Committee suggests that all this Tidbittery may have gotten out of hand.
These are my thoughts as of this morning, when I am admittedly wearing my cranky pants. It’s also worth remembering that my show, Mamo! (The show about movies and popular culture), runs an average of 30 minutes per episode, i.e. 2 Mamos per Itty Bitty Tidbit Committee, so obviously we come from opposite sides of the aesthetic spectrum here.
Kudos to all of you and particularly Casey for the work that you do, I literally cannot wait to hear what unassailably great pop cultural icon, object, or ray of sunshine Casey will admit to hating next. #TeamHeathers