If we got a big red X on our first season, it was the total lack of discussion of one of the founding franchises of the modern superhero era: The X-Men. Well, it’s time to rectify, cuz Alia has questions! Like: Who’s the Flash? Why do superheroes look so good naked? And why can’t you have a diminutive Canadian lesbian as the main character of an X-Men film?
Matt supplies some answers as we dive deep on two generations of mutant superheroes with Bryan Singer’s 2014 return to the comic book franchise that started it all: X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST.
Direct Download: Super_Zero-XMEN.mp3
Robert Reineke
July 31, 2015
I’m surprised Matt passed up the opportunity to further confuse Alia by not bringing up Grant Gustin’s show.
Matthew Fabb
July 30, 2015
Awesome episode!
One thing that I’m surprised that you guys didn’t tackle was the “Rogue edition” of X-men: Days of Future Past that came out a few weeks ago. That’s the version that adds an extra 17 minutes of footage that they cut out to streamline the theatre version, including future Magneto & Charles Xavier going to rescue Roge. Apparently their rescue scene is cut together with 1970’s Wolverine, Xavier and Quicksilver rescuing Magneto. Even Scarlet Witch gets a reference although no screen time in this version.
I haven’t seen it yet and was curious on your take on the new version.