WE’RE BACK! Super Zero returns from summer vacation for Phase 2 of their tour through the comic book superhero movie universe(s), and Alia immediately has questions, like: Who is the Ant Man? Why isn’t there an Archie movie? And what do we know about Phase 3 (of Marvel, and of Super Zero) so far?
Matt has questions of his own, like: do bugs have morality? Will Alia ever remember to watch a post-credits scene? And if Matt repeats a joke long enough, does it come true?
It’s a giant-sized look at a tiny little superhero in Marvel’s Phase 2 closer, ANT-MAN! And we’d like to take this opportunity to thank Ryan McNeil and Alex Kittle for the long-awaited Super Zero fan art!!
Direct Download: Super_Zero-ANT-MAN.mp3
Everybody’s Talkin’ 7 – 24 (Chatter from Other Bloggers) | The Matinee | Cinematic Passion & Perspective
July 24, 2015
[…] Season Two of Super Zero kicked off this week with The Dynamic Duo discussing ANT-MAN. Go for the fan art; stay for the fun discussion. […]
July 24, 2015
I would say that while yes comic books can tie themselves to real challenges of the day when it works the most is when it is kept vague. Once you start zooming in and directly comparing them you run into real problems of scale. It is one of the big problems the X-Men have always had the “Protects a world who hates and fears you” is easily cultivated when a bunch of your members can destroy a lot of stuff on a whim. In that case fear is the rational response. Its gets even more messy when you try and apply the Civil Liberties stuff because again minority groups do not actually have superpowers so they playing field is not skewed.
Matthew Price
July 23, 2015
Matthew Price
July 23, 2015
Dan Gorman
July 23, 2015
Which is where the Video Vengeance clip from the most recent screening is from!