A Frame Apart Episode 56 - First to Last: Wes Anderson | Modern Superior



After a long day of dealing with other people’s dirty laundry, Ariel types the following words hoping they will be read in the commanding yet soothing tones of Alec Baldwin’s narration.


For over a year, Ariel Fisher and Bob Barrow discussed the work of Wes Anderson at length. Ariel wanted to do an episode entirely on the auteur’s work. Having only seen two of his films, and not been overly fond of them, Bob was reluctant. Finally, after much debate, they sat down and went through Wes Anderson’s entire feature length filmography. This episode is the result of that endeavour. Was Bob’s opinion of the filmmaker changed by exploring his other works? Would they be pleasantly surprised by The Fantastic Mr. Fox? Or profoundly disappointed? And where would The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou place on their ranked lists of Anderson’s creative ventures? Take your little brother’s record player, be sure to hide your cigarettes, and get on the next cable car to find out.

Ariel and Bob check their correspondence regularly at aframeapartcast@gmail.com. They can also be found on TwitterInstagramFacebook, and Tumblr.

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